Prayer List

Feel free to fill out online prayer request. If you have a request you would like added to the list, fill out the form on the contact page. Be sure to select prayer request as the subject. You may also contact the DCC office for prayer requests to be privately directed to our staff and elders.

submit a request

Pray with us

Many Christians are gathering in prayer each evening at 8:00pm Central / 7:00pm Mountain time, to pray for 1 minute for God’s intervention in the needs of our communities, nation and world.  Feel free to join other believers in prayer. Set your phone/watch for 7:00 MST and spend one minute on your own or with your family. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have!

Ongoing prayer opportunities

    and the world as citizens deal with fear around their families’ health, and their future. Pray for God’s intervention, and that citizens will show grace and mercy at this time of international uncertainty.

    to lead with integrity, wisdom and courage and for proper responses at this historically unprecedented time.

    and other churches as they attempt to meet needs and stay focused on the family of Christ, and the community they live in.

    as students and educators are adjusting to a new normal. That school district leaders will make decisions with integrity and foresight.

    dealing with aging parents and all the complications that arise from that.

    in our community and country. That God will be honored by our actions and words