Advent 2023: Thursday, December 7

December 7, 2023

During this Advent season, it is time to reflect on memories of Christmases past and how God has blessed our lives in so many ways. One Christmas that is so memorable to our family is the very first Christmas after John and I were married. We had our entire blended family together for a special Christmas dinner and opening presents under the tree. The evening began with our daughter slipping on the floor as she entered the house. Then John dropped a couple of bottles of wine on the floor which exploded and went everywhere. Once that was cleaned up, we then smelled something burning! It turned out that the carpet in the living room was on fire and was about to burn one of our living room chairs. Luckily, we were able to put the fire out.

Surely nothing else could go wrong! Ha. Too much to hope for. I “cooked” the largest tenderloin of beef I had ever prepared. When we were ready to sit down for dinner with all the fixings on the table, it was time to take the meat out and slice it up. To call the meat rare is an understatement. Parts of it were raw. So back into the oven it went. The next hour was spent slicing off the end pieces and serving them throughout the dinner. Eventually everyone got to eat!

Even though parts of it were a disaster, the evening ended up being one of the best Christmases we have all spent together. It certainly was the most memorable.

Our family prays that God will bless you and your family during this Christmas season and that you will make new memories and remember how God has blessed you… in so many ways!

Michele Thompson, elder