Advent 2021: Friday, December 10

December 10, 2021

As a child, growing up in rural Iowa, my mom and dad always emphasized the 4 seasons. Starting with the end of winter, Spring rapidly moved into the fore front. Watching the melting snow, warmer days, the change of color from gray to green. Warm winds and the smell of black dirt filled our senses. Sowing time. 

Summer showed up with a hot blast and rain. Working in humid corn fields and gardens, family picnics and cool dips in the sand pits, were always on the agenda. Growing time. 

The window in my bedroom now closed as hot summer nights were gradually replaced with cool fall evenings. And the smell of burning leaves filled the air. Combines and pickers worked the fields and gardens, and the vegetable stands were filled to the brim. Barn dances and Friday night football games. Harvest time. 

Days became shorter, fireplaces now burning longer. Snow covering roadways and our walks getting shorter. Warmth, Family, and friends Thanksgiving. Quiet Silent nights. A time for Reflection and Celebration.

 I did not have a favorite season. They were all good. They were all divine displays of God’s creation…especially with the advent of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Mike Graham, elder